

  • Dr. Zvi Fuss

    Date of Birth:


    32 Revivim st Tel Aviv

    Israel 69354

    Phone: 972 3 6499735

    Fax: 972 3 6495145

    Email: [email protected]

    Degrees: D.M.D.

    Current Position: Senior Lecturere, Coordinator, Department of Endodontology, Tel Aviv University

    Previous Positions: President, Israel Endodontic Society

    Society Memberships: ESE active member IES active member, past president AAE Active member

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 40
    Book Chapters:
    Clinical Articles: 20
    Major Lectures: 25
    Local Lectures: 50
    Continuing Eductation Courses: 20

    Speaking Topics:

    Root Perforation
    Root Resorption
    Root canal preparation
    Endodontic Surgery
    Additional topics if available
    Intracanal medicaments
    Vertical root fractures

    Languages: English

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

  • Prof. Ilana Heling

    Date of Birth:


    Dep of Endodontics, School of DEntal Medicine, Hebrew University-Hadassah. POB 12272 Jerusalem

    Israel 91120

    Phone: 97226423956

    Fax: 97226446956

    Email: [email protected]

    Degrees: Clinical Associate Professor

    Current Position: cordinator 5th year

    Previous Positions: Graduate program director

    Society Memberships:

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 32
    Book Chapters:
    Clinical Articles: 10
    Major Lectures:
    Local Lectures:
    Continuing Eductation Courses:

    Speaking Topics:

    cracked tooth syndrome
    root resorption
    Perfect endodontic treatment – why did it fail
    Irrigation in endodontics
    Additional topics if available
    Periapical lesions
    Endodontics aspects of apical surgery

    Languages: English

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

  • Prof. Arieh Kaufman

    Date of Birth:


    6 Hamagal St. Ramat-Gan

    Israel 52463

    Phone: 97236475456

    Fax: 97236472680

    Email: [email protected]

    Degrees: Professor

    Current Position: Staff member

    Previous Positions: Director, Postgraduate Endodontic Students

    Society Memberships: AAE ESE IDA IADT

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 40
    Books: 1
    Book Chapters: 12
    Clinical Articles: 30
    Major Lectures: 25
    Local Lectures: 100
    Continuing Eductation Courses: 100

    Speaking Topics:

    Apex locators
    Intracanal medication
    Additional topics if available
    Dental traumatology

    Languages: English

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

  • Dr. Zvi Metzger

    Date of Birth:


    School of Dental Medicine Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv




    Email: [email protected]

    Degrees: DMD

    Current Position: Director of Research Laboratories at the Tel Aviv University School of Dental Medicine

    Previous Positions: Dean of Dental School, Tel Aviv University. Visiting Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Associate Professor on Oral Biology, Tel Aviv University

    Society Memberships: American Association of Endodontists European Society of Endodontology International Association of Dental Research International Association of Dental Traumatology Israel Endodontic Society

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 75
    Book Chapters: 7
    Clinical Articles:
    Major Lectures:
    Local Lectures:
    Continuing Eductation Courses:

    Speaking Topics:

    Immuno-biology of the pulp (2-3 hours)
    Immuno-biology of Apical Periodontitis (2-3 hours)
    Apexification: Biological Aspects and their clinical implications (2-3 hours)
    Vertical Root Fracture: A minor trauma with grave consequences (2 hours)
    Additional topics if available
    Retreatment vs. Apical Surgery
    The Inadequate Seal of Root Canal Fillings and Posts
    Mixed Infection and the Host Response
    The Biomechanics of Root Canal Obturation and Post Construction

    Languages: English

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

  • Dr. Joshua Moshonov

    Date of Birth:


    25 Habanai st. Jerusalem

    Israel 96264

    Phone: 972 2 6514223

    Fax: 972 2 6446956

    Email: [email protected]

    Degrees: D.M.D.

    Current Position: Head of Clinics, The Hebrew university – Haddassa School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel

    Previous Positions: Director of the undergraduate program, Dept. of Endodontics, The Hebrew university – Haddassa School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem, Israel

    Society Memberships: Israel Endodntic Society IFEA AAE

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 15
    Book Chapters:
    Clinical Articles: 13
    Major Lectures: 18
    Local Lectures: 40
    Continuing Eductation Courses: 15

    Speaking Topics:

    Lasers in Dentisry
    New technologies in endodontics

    Languages: English

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

  • Prof. Adam Stabholz

    Date of Birth:


    13Rabbi Benjamin Jerusalem

    Israel 96306

    Phone: 972-2-6528778

    Fax: 972-2-6446956

    Email: [email protected]

    Degrees: D.M.D

    Current Position: Chairman,Department of Endodontics and Director of the Izidor.I.Cabakoff Center foradvanced and Continuing Dental Education. President of IFEA

    Previous Positions: Dean of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, the Hebrew University-Hadassah, Jerusalem

    Society Memberships: International Federation of Endodontic Association American Association of Endodontics European Society of Endodontology International Association for Dental Research Israel Endodontic Society

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 40
    Book Chapters: 5
    Clinical Articles: 32
    Major Lectures: 50
    Local Lectures: 100
    Continuing Eductation Courses: 25

    Speaking Topics:

    Lasers in Dentistry
    The Role of Lasers Technology in Endodontics
    Endodontic Failures
    Endodontic Retreatment
    Additional topics if available
    Endodotic-Periodontal Relationship
    Clinical Considerations in the Endodontic Treatment of Teeth with Unusual Anatomy
    The apical Terminus of the Endodontic Filling
    Mechanical and Thermal Irritants of the Pulp

    Languages: English

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

  • Prof. Aviad Tamse

    Date of Birth:


    School of Dental Medicine Tel Aviv University Ramat Aviv Tel Aviv


    Phone: 97236951840

    Fax: 97236951840

    Email: [email protected]

    Degrees: DMD

    Current Position: Professor and Chairman Department of Endodontology

    Previous Positions:

    Society Memberships: AAE ESE

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 60
    Book Chapters: 1
    Clinical Articles: 20
    Major Lectures: 36
    Local Lectures: 42
    Continuing Eductation Courses: 25

    Speaking Topics:

    VRF in Endodontically Treated Teeth

    Languages: English

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

  • Dr. Nestor Cohenca

    Date of Birth:


    159 Hakfir Street Malha Jerusalem

    Israel 96952

    Phone: 972-2-5798853

    Fax: 972-2-6798854

    Email: [email protected]

    Degrees: DDS

    Current Position: Clinical Lecturer. Department of Endodontics. Faculty of Dental Medicine. Hebrew University – Hadassah Director of the Clinical Undergraduate Endodontic Course Vice President. The Israel Endodontic Society Member of the National Board of Examiners in Endodontics

    Previous Positions: Director of the Preclinical Endodontic Course Treasurer, Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity

    Society Memberships: Israel Dental Association Israel Endodontic Society European Society of Endodontology International Federation of Endododntic Association International Association of Dental Trauma Alpha Omega Dental Fraternity

    Previous Publications and Speaking Engagements:

    Research Papers: 3
    Book Chapters:
    Clinical Articles: 10
    Major Lectures: 10
    Local Lectures: 40
    Continuing Eductation Courses: 20

    Speaking Topics:

    Dental Trauma
    Root Resorption
    Pain Control in Endodontics
    Emergencies in Endodontics
    Additional topics if available
    Diagnosis and Case Selection
    Surgical Endodontics
    Endodontic Management and Treatment in young patients

    Languages: English, Spanish

    Web Site:

    *Please contact the speaker directly for more complete C.V. and details of topics

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